Lala – Sunshine – Hawaiian Sunshine Dolls

Hawaiian Sunshine Dolls Menehune Baby Lala (Sunshine) was created in honor of our glorious sun. 

Like sunshine, Lala’s Mana (spiritual energy) nourishes and rejuvenates the spirit within.

Aloha E Ka La Aloha E
E Ho’oulu Mai E Ka La
I Ka Honua Nei Amana E

Greetings o sun, welcome
Enrich and empower, o sun
This beautiful earth

Our sun is the eye of the world, which illuminates all life on earth. As the greatest fire of nature, the sun’s glorious rays are the source of light and life within the soul. The sun’s brilliance reflects strength of spirit, awareness, abundance, clarity and leadership.

The sun inspires divinity and enlightenment. Its reflecting brilliance lifts the spirit and affirms life.
Watching the sun rise, nourishes and rejuvenates the spirit. It is a process of rebirth which restores joy and peace to our inner being as the spirit within is illuminated by the sun’s radiance. The warm rays comfort, heal and invigorate body and soul.

For centuries many cultures have dedicated sacred ceremonies to the sun in order to gain spiritual insights.
Native Hawaiians respect and honor the sun’s energy as the source of all life.

Haleakala is a 1.2 million years old massive shield volcano that forms more than 75% of the island of Maui. It is a place of prayer; Haleakala is Ala hea ka la – the path to calling the sun.
In Hawaiian mythology, the crater at the summit of Haleakalā was home to the grandmother of the demigod Māui. To please his grandmother Maui, who was known for his tricks, captured the sun with his lasso and forced it to slow its journey across the sky in order to lengthen the day.
For over 1000 years, only the Na Kāhuna P’o (ancient priests) and their Haumana (students) lived at Haleakalā for meditation to receive spiritual wisdom as well as to observe the heavens for navigation purposes. They merged the sounds of their ancient prayers with the Mana (spiritual energy) of nature for spiritual manifestations. Over 300 Heiaus (temples) were built on the eastern side of Haleakalā. The ancient Hawaiians kept Haleakala’s secrets for the people to love, protect and preserve.
Haleakala has been named ‘The House of the Sun’. It is a sacred place and must be treated with respect.